Tantrums are usual to be witnessed among toddlers, especially the preschoolers, who have moved out of their home and are interacting with the new world around. They are knowing new things and learning to prepare a list of their own favorites now. Beware new parents, challenges are heading towards you. Just kidding, what matters here is how we handle their tantrums either as a parent or a teacher. Imagine are in school’s swing area and the child is not ready to leave the swings. A child unwilling to leave could scream, cryand refuses to comply with you.What are you going to do in such a situation? First accept that it’s Self-expression not a bad behavior. Though as a parent you could feel helpless or embarrassed, but that’s not going to help.
Golden Bells, the Top Kindergarten School in Ashok Vihar is bringing some tips to help the new parents to understand it better.
Calmness all Around
Let kids be kids, allow them to express their emotions. Stay calm,Talk to them slowly and most importantly use comforting words when they act out of order. Replace ‘What Happened’ with ‘It’s Fine.’ Let them know it’s not okay but you are still there. Never shout or threat to punish the young one for their deeds. To make them understand what’s wrong, include them. Kids do not connect their identity with respect to others. They learn with time and practice.
“ Don’t tell them they’re wrong; Explain what’s wrong.”
Discuss what you expect
Unlike adults, Children in learning phase, are supposed to be told what do we expect from them, at least till they reach a certain age where they are able to decipher thesituations. Tell them to ask nicely, and never resort to cribbing and crying when their demands aren’t entertained. Put them in a daily regime & tell them about it. Make sure that they will get the play time, and go to park/for walk, once the priority things are done.
Best Pre School in Delhi
As per the general perception: Choosing the best Pre School in Delhibecomes difficult as even the Top Nursery School in Delhi fails to meet kids’ learning requirements.Golden Bells believes that Beyond Academics is a world and that brings excellence among preschoolers. This is not the age to sit and study. Children are expected to be holistically developed and the journey begins from play school itself. We the teamat Golden Bells, Top Kindergarten School in Ashok Vihar believe in imparting the education with child-centered approach. The well-trained facilitators know how to handle the kids and keep them engaged in the developmental activities while playing.
Trust https://gbdips.com/ with your little bundles joy.